Hello Lovers, Nhayah's back. Most of you know that I am all about my Diaspora African/Melaninated/Black people living in America and I will be providing that beloved radical content, as well as my thoughts on some pop culture stuff, I will definitely let you know about the music I love, some TV shows I still watch, and some random topics that I want to provide my thoughts on.
Sometimes you need to take a little time to decide what it is you desire from this life. I was predominantly taught to live the way my family believed feel will produce success, but in my opinion those ideas did not bring real happiness from the looks of how their professional careers drained them. Some of us grew up to the sound of, you need to get a good government job, go to school so you can work for a good corporation. Yeah, I got to do all of that in my mere 28 years and still wasn't satisfied and that's what we all want is satisfaction. Not to merely exist, but to live and lately, I've been living! I've been doing a lot of singing, performing, and now I'm about to embark on theater acting, with 3 stage-plays coming up! On the homepage of my website ( Wow! My website!!), you can keep up with everything I'm involved in and I've been abundantly blessed with opportunity, all praises to The Most High YAH. You can also check out some of my vocal performances on my #TheLowkeySinger tab!
Get ready beautiful people, because I have some things on my mind that I need to get out and I want to see what your thoughts are as well! You can click the social media links at the bottom of each page on the website to join the conversation!!
Love and Light to you all and enjoy the read!