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We Gotta Take The 'Nigga' Outta Ni**ER

Writer: Nhayah GoodeNhayah Goode

Why aren’t Black People/Diaspora Africans living in America more upset about the casual use of nigger? Why are Black People always accepting of the bullshit? Why are Black People willing to give away their culture and respect? Why don’t Asians get harassed? Why is the gay community always bullying people from their level of discrimination and Black people aren’t? These are the questions. The LGBTQ people do not play around. If you say one thing wrong about them, it’s a wrap from every organization imaginable. Oh and if you’re not a white person and you use the word faggot, you’re supposed to profusely apologize, step down, donate to charity, do a plethora of interviews, kiss everyone's ass, all kinds of shit. Just like everybody else and the word nigger. Yet the "socially acceptable" use of the N word is still used and white people love including the word in every movie or TV show possible that reminds us about slavery or how vehemently irate they are about darker skin tones. Nigger was/is a term that was used to condition an entire culture into believing they were inferior, less than, 3/5ths a human, powerless, culture less, insignificant, weak, the list could go on and on. At some point in time, Diaspora Africans/Black People living in America, begin to conform, accept, and use that word to address each other, while the creators were then forbidden to say it. I guess temporarily forbidden, because somehow, later in time, the word begin to take another shape and it became a fad, a fun term, "a term of endearment" as the self hatred began to translate it. Nigger, oh my bad, Niggaaa is now a term that every culture uses to address each other as if they are friends or comrades. It’s been used by Asians in Hangover, Caucasians in The Neighbors, Latinos in their everyday language, a group of white girls in White Chicks and so many more!! Some people believe the word doesn’t possess the same power it once did when it’s used in its original context of “nigger”, so that’s why it’s no big deal. When I was a teenager, I had a job at a pizza parlor and the little white Boy used the word “nigga” casually in conversation and I recall objecting to his use of it and he informed me that, “It’s okay, because it’s not with the E R at the end.” I almost beat up a white woman who was friends with predominantly Black Women who allowed her to frivolously use “nigga” when addressing her boyfriend who she was upset with at the time. I don’t blame the Black Women too much though, because they probably weren’t sure how to address it, they all worked together at the Sprint call center and you know how that shit goes. However, I had just come back from Iraq, so I was a bit more edgier then normal and I hadn't even reached the level of enlightenment I'm at now. The light was just beginning to come on though. I recall the conversation going a little something like this: White Girl: “Well, you guys use the word on each other and if he’s acting like one, Imma call him one.” Me: “Well, that’s probably because you haven’t had your ass beat yet.” I didn't blink once as I stared directly into her eyes. The entire table of about 6 or 7 Black Women went completely silent and then the white girl suddenly decided to leave the Southpoint Hotel where we were all enjoying $2 cocktails. Anyone that lived in Las Vegas during the time of the Southpoint $2 bottom and top shelf drinks, knows that was an amazing period of drinking time. 

The word is desensitized. Allegedly. Or perhaps, just maybe, it’s become more easily available to be used freely once again. In any event, let’s just go with the idea that the word is desensitized. Why don’t we distribute that same desensitized energy to other blatantly, culturally offensive words. Words like faggot or cracker?? Why are those words still so heavily offensive? Why aren't these words used in rap songs and movies as loosely as nigger? Is it because they haven’t been reworded? I believe that we should change the narrative behind these words just like everyone changed the racist, evil, murderous, rapist, demonic, oppressive tone of nigger to nigga. From Faggot to Fagga. Cracker to Cracka. Why not?? That seems to be how we transform words from racist to fun! The gay community uses the word Queer so flippantly, and queer seems to be worse then faggot in my opinion. Queer literally means worthless, counterfeit, questionable, not well, according to Merriam-Webster. So why is faggot still so derogatory, when queer is much worse? I saw some definitions of the word Faggot and besides the North American socially unacceptable use, it means a bundle of sticks. North America turned the word into evil. As they often do. Bottom line, if we’re still going to be so outraged at the use of faggot, we need to return nigger to it’s once racist glory. I don’t think nigger should be used casually by anyone, least of all these white people. It’s almost as if we, Black People/Diaspora Africans living in America are giving them permission to use it again. Then we try to act nonchalant about it by saying, "It's ok. The word is endearing and powerful. We've taken the word back." Taken the word back from what, from who? Also, why is that the only thing we are so eager to take back? Why don't we take back some other shit for once. Why are we so scared to use actual words of power to represent ourselves? King, Queen, Goddess, God, Woman, Man, Brother, Sister, Homie, Lover, Friend. If you use those type of words around a "niggaaa", it's almost like you throw them off balance. Has the idea of being a nigger become a more tangible idea? Have you considered that maybe some of our people are negatively attached to the word just like some people are detrimentally attached to people, places, and things? I'm sure some people will say, well the word is derived from these here other words. Yeah ok, but we are not diverting back to using the original use of the word, we are still using the oppressors unfavorable version of it, talking about it has sentimental value now. I just laughed out loud. And why? Black People/Diaspora Africans are so accepting of the bullshit, it amazes me. Just like how they've accepted the word minority. So, you're telling me you like being considered as a group of people that aren't old enough to have the full rights of an adult? That is one of the definitions of minority. Or how about this definition of minority: a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment. Do you like that one? Those are the definitions of minority Black People. We don't have to subscribe to that. Another freaking word that depreciates our power and value as a culture and as a people, when we ARE NOT the minority. Stop the madness and ask yourself when have you ever filled out a damn census?

Like I said, Asians don't accept the bullshit. Not in a joking or a serious manner. They do not tolerate disrespect of their culture on any level by anyone. The gay community will burn you at the stake if you blink at them wrong. The Turkish don't play about their culture either. The only time Black People/Diaspora Africans demand respect, is with each other. You will beat the shit out of that "niggaaa" if he steps on your lil' Jordans or if she talks shit about your lace front. I literally had a Sister try to jump bad with me because she thought I was disrespecting her lace front. Let's be clear, when demanding respect, that doesn't mean act violently, unless necessary. Demanding respect doesn't always mean beating the shit out of or killing someone. When white people disrespect most of ya'll, you eagerly scan the area for something else to look at as if you don't see or hear it, because they and this society have literally conditioned us against standing up for ourselves against them. Basically, some of ya'll are beyond scared straight of them and don't even know it. I'm all for focusing your attention on other things, but not for this. With every other culture, we have the propensity to allow disrespect and misappropriation because we still want everyone to accept us, right? Well shit if it's not that, when and why did we stop protecting the culture? It’s ok, they're invited to the cookout because they can dance or they like Kendrick Lamar too? But did they invite you to their damn secret ass barbecue? Did they teach you how to dance? We’re always giving away our pearls to swine. When did we stop demanding respect? When did we stop protecting our culture? When will we decide that this bullshit is enough? I know I've decided that within myself. Your turn.  With Love...

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