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A plethora of delicious stories and topics...

Nhayah Goode
Sep 11, 2017
'Insecure' Episode 8 Recap: 'Hella Perspective'
The season finale was a simultaneous 30 days fast forward in the lives of the main characters. That gentrification symbolism is deep and...

Nhayah Goode
Sep 6, 2017
'Insecure' Episode 7 Recap: 'Hella Disrespectful'
I am so hella disrespectfully late with this recap, but I don't think I should miss recapping just because my Sunday, Monday and Tuesday...

Nhayah Goode
Aug 28, 2017
'Insecure' Episode 6: 'Hella Blows'
Ya'll know Yvonne Orji is a virgin in real life? So yes she's doing some amazing acting during these sex scenes she's been in while on...

Nhayah Goode
Aug 21, 2017
'Insecure' Episode 5 Recap: 'Hella Shook'
Well, we are at the halfway mark of Insecure Season 2. Why is the season only 8 episodes still? I thought that was just the pilot season...

Nhayah Goode
Aug 7, 2017
'Insecure' Episode 3: 'Hella Open' Recap
I apologize everyone!! I missed last week due to being an extremely busy entrpreneur. I'm the antagonist in The Stageplay Tempest coming...
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